TRUST YOUR CREATIVE SPARK (AGAIN) and learn to lead with your art first. ✨
3 months of coaching PLUS a retreat
⚡️You’re having 58,282 great ideas before you’ve hit the “brew” button on the coffee machine each morning. But, you’re second guessing your own creative genius before you even give those ideas a chance to come to life.
🍰 You’ve bought the ingredients for the cake, laid them out on the counter, and then got overwhelmed/distracted/frustrated and walked away.
👻 Your half read copy of The Artist Way that you’re using as nightstand alternative is haunting you in your sleep, like you can HEAR mama Julia Cameron laughing at you. Surely you’re just creatively “blocked”?
🤮 Looking stupid, vulnerability hangovers, being perceived, or just generally “trying” is way too cringe but also like… you know doubt is keeping you from your dreams.
☠️ The three angels of the drafts folders (doubt, perfectionism, procrastination – obvi) have taken up residence in your minds eye.
🌀 You’re sitting on the edge of the pool, wanting to jump in but like… everyone else already has 1M views on Tik Tok, it’s probably too late to even try and everyone is “more talented”, so you just sitting at the edge watching everyone else swim.
You’re not “stupid”
You’re not “lazy”
You’re not “too much”
You’re not “a piece of shit”
The “problem” isn’t “you” or even the idea itself.
You’ve just been taught a bunch of “shoulds” and we all know another PDF or free course isn’t the thing that you need to “fix” your creative brain.
Maybe, just maybe (probably, yes) you need to honour your unique path there, giving yourself the space and time to responsibly show up for your art.

A coaching container to build a trusting creative practise, and become a well resourced artist. ❄️
We’re Phoebe and Jacque! 👋 We are artists and creative directors. We use art making, design, play, facilitation, and storytelling to bring your big, beautiful, ideas to the world with creative confidence. Between the two of us we share backgrounds in fine art, creative business, marketing, Somatic coaching, drama therapy, performance art, movement, and more.
As two neurodivergent creative weirdos, we knew the status quo didn’t work for us. So we created something that did, and you can too.
Whether or not you’ve got the squiggly in the brain (like us), being a creative is already hard. It’s already not status quo. It’s already beyond a binary. We venture out on our creative own FOR A REASON. So, why subscribe to another version of 9-5 status quo that didn’t work in the first place? 🧐
Coaching artists using the tools of their own creative process, and then applying it to the business of it all is exactly WHY Do You Ever was founded.
We work to make business feel like art, because here is what we know to be true: when you invest in your own creative process, when you commit to curiosity and play, when you surround yourself with a creatively confident community – opportunity abounds!
The world can muchooo benefit from the creativity of artists. You don’t need to go fast, hard, or even DO THE MOST to have an an easeful creative career, because TBH your ART and process are the antidote to our culture of hustle, “10k months”, capitalist, nightmare fuel. 😵💫
TLDR; inside The DYE Academy, we help artists become well resourced to do what they love, without all the internet, tech bro, bullshit that tells them to abandon themselves.
We asked past CO artists…what would you say to someone who is thinking about joining?
“You'll love the space that Phoebe and Jacqueline curated. They will inspire you to fall in love with your art all over again.”
“If you have something specific you want to work on, that's great, and you can move your project along the process with support. But you may find that, like me, you may not 'complete' anything. You may, however, find a new way of being or doing.”
“Please do it!!! if you're an artist looking for community, support, or direction you are in the right place.”
“If you are ready to say yes to you: FUCK YES.”

We know your creative process is your secret superpower that will unlock your confidence to show up for your art, and share with the world. Let’s uncover what your creative process can do FOR you. So you can create, launch, promote, pitch, audition, share, while honouring yourself, your pace, your secret recipe, and showing up confidently.
Showing up as the beautiful artist you are WILL create the change you want to see in the world.
develop an understanding of your creative process and how it informs your work
learn what makes your art and approach unique, why it matters, and who wants to see and hear from you
build a trusting relationship with yourself and your art so you can show up consistently to making
balance the underwhelm/overwhelm fatigue in the everyday decisions of being a creative
identify the resources, spaces, and opportunities that already exist around you, or create new ones
disrupt yourself, your habits, and your perfectionist demon by centering play, rest, and experimentation
I was looking for help, support, and what to do — in the wrong places. I was so hungry for my dreams that I chose to eat the bullshit sandwich I was being served and was told was the only thing available for lunch. Now I've walked out of the diner and stumbled upon the fucking Mercato Centrale in Florence, Italy. // Hillary O.
Dispatches from Class Outside 💌
Class Outside is like an incubator. A place that keeps us safe and warm as we grow by ones who know. A space created by individuals who are walking the walk of being artists and humans themselves. When we feel safe enough to be ourselves we feel safe enough to create. When artists gather, we feel seen and understood in all of our glorious complexities. This creates the space and love to exist as you are as well as the space to become. 🌱This is when magic is made. // Julie
Sometimes you just need two pretty, hard-working women who are weird like you are to tell you you're smart and pretty and that they love witnessing you and your art to remember you and your work have value no matter how it shows up. But seriously, Phoebe's magic wand and Jacque's grounding wisdom made me feel more seen, heard and understood as an artist than I've ever felt before. Their advice, prompts, and overall approach to coaching is so warm and inviting, things felt actionable and accommodating to how my brain works and needs things laid out, and most of all I felt MOTIVATED. Their excitement is infectious and it helped me rediscover excitement for my work, and also recognize all of the tiny ways I show and share creativity in my life. Phoebe & Jacque are so good at hyping you up and reminding you how much your work matters and is COOL and BEAUTIFUL! no matter what form it takes!!! // Greta
Going through the many stages of process and seeing what that can look like, providing a space that isn't about production but actually the exact opposite. Providing a space where I can say with confidence that I am an artist and I belong in community with other artists. // Anna
Phoebe and Jacque opened a portal into a way of creating art that makes everything feel possible, and a little bit silly. I was reminded that life itself is completely ridiculous, and the stakes of making good or bad art were lowered dramatically. // Kimberly
Group coaching sessions for collaboration, feedback, with your fellow artists. We are not islands, group coaching is here to work through our creative woes together.
We get up close and personal with you, your projects and your current creative goals each month through creative coaching and advising.
Creative Coaching will help you develop an internal and external creative process, unlock your creative potential, help you show up responsibly to your art and creativity, and translate your creative vision into strategy, action steps, and projects.
Coaching Approach: We are artists and creative directors. Between the two of us we share backgrounds in fine art, creative business, marketing, Somatic coaching, drama therapy, performance art, movement, and more. We use art making, design, play, facilitation, and storytelling to bring your big, beautiful, ideas to the world with creative confidence.
Community space for weekly art prompts, resources, funding opportunities, group support and feedback, and co-creativity. Staying connected between our calls!
How we keep the momentum moving between our 1:2 calls. Submit your sales pages, services, play, podcast episodes, client pitches to P+J for feedback (huge crazy value).
Think of this like your back pocket Creative Directors! -
All Class Outside aulmni artists get forever access to the Academy, where artists learn together!
The Academy Slack Channel
Free monthly project planning and community co-working, In Process
Quarterly workshops and trainings to build out your creative biz with the tools you (actually) need (January workshop is on Substack and monetizing your writing!)
Private content for the Academy through our Substack
In the community of 8 other artists, you will define your creative goals, explore through your medium, and become a well resourced artist.
Let’s not go alone. Let’s go TOGETHER.
RETREAT DEETS ⭐️ // A Do Nothing Retreat is an artist retreat, where we are creative, for creation’s sake, not for the sake of “producing” something
Retreat dates are TBD
TBD in northern ontario
Day 1: GETTING TO KNOW YOU - Arrive, check in, opening circle + group dinner.
Day 2: REST DAY - Settle into rest. Movement class, snow hike, nap, hot tub, sitting by the fire
Day 3: CREATIVE DAY - Creative workshop, and photoshoot.
Day 4: - CREATIVE DAY 2 - Creative workshop, and free time.
DAY 5: GOODBYES - Final Breakfast, pack up, probably sing a song, cry etc 💕
There will also be LOADS of free time for snow playing, star gazing, and fireside chats.
We meet in co-creativity, if there is something you REALLY WANNA DO or something you’d like to contribute to our experience please let us know in your application.
Class Outside is offered at a sliding scale. We believe pricing and charging for our artwork can be infused with magic and artmaking. Another opportunity for collaboration!
Our model is inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning, and Simone Grace Seoul’s approach to pricing. Please read over our pricing model to indicate which tier you fall into on your application.
$3500 USD
You have access to financial security, own property, or have personal savings.
You are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life.
If you have economic privilege and power in our community, this price is for you.
$2500 USD
You do NOT spend most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc.
Making this investment might mean you might have to cut back on some discretionary spending in your life (eating out, getting nails done, annual vacation), but the sacrifice is short-term, and will not jeopordize your safety in the long term.
$1000 USD
You are unemployed or underemployed.
You have access to basic needs such as food, housing, and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult.
You are able to put some money away each month to pay for the program but it would take longer than 12 months to save for the middle tier.
Please be mindful that if you opt into a lower price when you can truthfully afford a higher price, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility. We are two working artists that also have rent and eggs to buy. If participating in Class Outside means short term financial sacrifices, getting creative, or accessing other financial support that does not jeopardize your safety and well being, we ask that you use those resources before opting for sliding scale.
Sliding scale works on trust and honesty, being honest about our financial situation helps us to grow a healthy and sustainable community, the stuff art is crafted from.

✨ living a creative and easeful life
🤙 launching your creations in front of an adoring audience
🤸♀️showing up messy and scared, but showing up as your self
🤡 letting your freak flag fly
If you’re ready to stop leaving half baked projects by the door, second guessing your creative brilliance in the name of "what can make you money”, burning out on an idea before you have even begun, welcome to CLASS OUTSIDE!
Here is the thing. We fundamentally believe we are all artists. Like, if you work at a big glossy building in a grey suit, you are an artist. If that is a title you don’t wanna claim yet, that’s not our business.
BUT if you’re actually saying:
“I have an office job that isn’t creative!”
“I don’t make money selling my art.”
“I never wanna sell my art!”
“I am not a conventional “creative” person.”
Ultimately, we work with PEOPLE THAT HAVE IDEAS so if that means you’d like to paint 5,000 paintings and stack them on top of each other, you’re in the right place.
If you consider yourself an artist, or if you don’t, or if you want to, but it’s hard, welcome!
Artists, creatives, business owners, artpreneurs, art and cultural workers – anyone who makes anything for anyone. This space is open to multi-disciplinary folks, and artists that work within one discipline. The magic of this space is that we can learn A LOT from different paths, and ways of being and creating.
We are so excited and ready to work with you! If you have a little spark inside you to create something and usher it into this world, you my friend, are an artist, and you BELONG here! ✨
Creative Coaching uses your creative and artistic skills to establish a trusting and resilient relationship to your creativity, and in turn…your art. Creative Coaching uses the artistic skills YOU ARE ALREADY HAVE to help support the parts of your business/production/marketing that may not thrill you. It is about using your art to come to the answers you seek, and trusting that creativity will show you the way.
Your creativity is actually the thing that will help you show up.
We are two very critical people of the coaching industry. AND we believe in the magic coaching has brought to our lives as well. We believe finding the right coach for your is important. We are two trauma informed, somatic focus (ie how the fuck your body feels) beings, and are way more interested in what you WANT to do rather then what you think you should do. In our 1:2 sessions we spend time on just that.(Take a peak at our bios for a list of education and coaching certificates we hold).
Disclaimer: We are professional artists, creative directors, facilitators, and coaches. We are not trained or licensed therapists, counselors, or mental health professionals and this program should not be used for such learning or healing.
Class Outside is about stepping “outside” the norm. It is about finding and understanding HOW you work as an artist or creative.
We will unlock your unique relationship and process to creativity, so you can keep showing up no matter what it is you’re making or trying to accomplish.
We know you can do what you want, how you want, and build the creative life you want, using the gifts of art making you already have, while prioritizing rest and play.
We do not believe in one size fits all. We will help you navigate your next best move, together. 🌱
There is no obligation to “buy now” after hitting apply. Applications are in place so that we can meet, talk about if we’d ALL be a good fit together, and discuss what our collaboration would look like. If getting on a Zoom is weird (FAIR) shoot us an email at
How it works! 1. Start by filling out this short application and book a meet cute call. 2. On our call, we will discuss your goals inside our time together, and get to know one another. We will also answer any questions, and discuss payment options and plans. 3. Lastly, make your first payment, sign your contract, and begin your onboarding process! ✨
We are getting started in February ‘25, once we finish onboarding, our cohort kick off calls will begin! The program will go through April ‘25, and group coaching calls will be determined based on group availability.
This is the only container where artists or creative entrepreneurs receive long term coaching support from us. We offer CO twice a year.
I got some Q’s!
Everything is an experiment.
If you are feeling called to be a part of this, but are thinking, “This would be so great, but…”, we encourage you to inquire.
We believe in you and your art. The world needs to see and hear you. Everything is figure-out-able.
Something else we haven’t answered? Drop us a line 📧 We’d love to hear from you. 🫶