TRUST YOUR CREATIVE SPARK (AGAIN) and learn to lead with your art first. ✨


3 month coaching container PLUS a retreat


⚡️You’re having 58,282 great ideas before you’ve hit the “brew” button on the coffee machine each morning. But, you’re second guessing your own creative genius before you even give those ideas a chance to come to life.

🍰 You’ve bought the ingredients for the cake, laid them out on the counter, and then got overwhelmed/distracted/frustrated and walked away.

👻 Your half read copy of The Artist Way that you’re using as nightstand alternative is haunting you in your sleep, like you can HEAR mama Julia Cameron laughing at you. Surely you’re just creatively “blocked”?

🌪️You’re trying to make it work really and truly – but the messiness around what you’re offering and who you’re offering it for is really grey.

🤮 Looking stupid, vulnerability hangovers, being perceived, or just generally “trying” is way too cringe but also like… you know doubt is keeping you from your dreams.

☠️ The three angels of the drafts folders (doubt, perfectionism, procrastination – obvi) have taken up residence in your minds eye.

👀 You’re feeling lost, unsure if the rumbling in your stomach is anxiety, or the ever illusive “intuition” everyone is rattling on about.

🌀 You’re sitting on the edge of the pool, wanting to jump in but like… everyone else already has1M views on Tik Tok, it’s probably too late to even try and everyone is “more talented”, so you just sitting at the edge watching everyone else swim.

You’re not “stupid”

You’re not “lazy”

You’re not “too much”

You’re not “a piece of shit” 

The “problem” isn’t “you” or even the idea itself.

You’ve just been taught a bunch of “shoulds” and we all know another PDF or free course isn’t the thing that you need to “fix” your creative brain.

Maybe, just maybe (probably, yes) you need to honour your unique path there, giving yourself the space and time to responsibly show up for your art.


A three month coaching program to build a trusting creative practise, and become a well resourced artist. 🌱

We’re Phoebe and Jacque! 👋 We are artists and creative directors. We use art making, design, play, facilitation, and storytelling to bring your big, beautiful, ideas to the world with creative confidence. Between the two of us we share backgrounds in fine art, creative business, marketing, Somatic work, drama therapy, performance art, movement, and more.

As two neurodivergent creative weirdos we knew the status quo didn’t work for us. So we created something that did, and you can too.

Whether or not you’ve got the squiggly in the brain (like us), being a creative is already hard. It’s already not status quo. It’s already beyond a binary. We venture out on our creative own FOR A REASON. So, why subscribe to another version of 9-5 status quo that didn’t work in the first place? 🧐

Coaching artists using the tools of their own creative process, and then applying it to the business of it all is exactly WHY Do You Ever was founded.

We work to make business feel like art, because here is what we know to be true: when you invest in your own creative process, when you commit to curiosity and play, when you surround yourself with a creatively confident community – opportunity abounds!

The world can muchooo benefit from the creativity of artists. You don’t need to go fast, hard, or even DO THE MOST to have an an easeful creative career, because TBH your ART and process are the antidote to our culture of hustle, “10k months”, capitalist, nightmare fuel. 😵‍💫

TLDR; inside The DYE Academy, we help artists get paid to do what they love without all the internet, tech bro crap.


We know your creative process is your secret superpower that will unlock your confidence to share with the world.

Let’s uncover what your creative process can do FOR you. So you can create, launch, promote, pitch, audition, share, while honouring yourself, improving your storytelling skills, and showing up confidently.


 Creative Coaching uses your creative and artistic skills to establish a trusting and resilient relationship to your creativity, and in turn…your art. Creative Coaching uses the artistic skills YOU ARE ALREADY HAVE to help support the parts of your business/production/marketing that may not thrill you. It is about using your art to come to the answers you seek, and trusting that creativity will show you the way.

Your creativity is actually the thing that will help you show up. 


In 3 months time we will help you go from a sorta idea to a living, breathing creative project you can market and share to the world, that honors your creative process and centers art first.

In the community of 9 other artists, you will define your creative goals, explore through your medium, and learn how to "sell" yourself and what you do! 

Let’s not go alone. Let’s go TOGETHER.

  • Each month we will look at your creative project through different lenses.

    Month One. Uncovering your creative process.

    Month Two. Building the production of your project to support your process.

    Month Three. How to sell/market/get your project out in the world.

  • We get up close and personal with your project each month through creative coaching and advising.

    Creative Coaching will help you develop and internal and external creative process, unlock your creative potential, help you show up responsibly to your art and creativity, and translate your creative vision into strategy, action steps, and projects.

    Coaching Approach: We are artists and creative directors. Between the two of us we share backgrounds in fine art, creative business, marketing, Somatic work, drama therapy, performance art, movement, and more. We use art making, design, play, facilitation, and storytelling to bring your big, beautiful, ideas to the world with creative confidence.

  • Community space for assignments, support, and momentum.

  • Submit your sales pages, services, play, podcast episodes, client pitches to P+J for feedback (huge crazy value).


RETREAT DEETS 🌱 // A Do Nothing Retreat is an artist retreat, where we are creative - but don't make any art.

What if we went on a beautiful, rejuvenating, artful retreat, but like not for the sake of “producing” something?

  • Final schedule will be sent out to participants closer to the date of the retreat, and will be based on the needs and goals of the group. But to calm the anxious “I gotta know where I am going and what the room looks like” part of your brain (same) here is a rough schedule.

    Day 1: GETTING TO KNOW YOU - Arrive, check in, group dinner, and trust falls.

    Day 2: CREATIVE RESET - Movement class, creative workshop 1, screaming in fields.

    Day 3: CREATIVE RESET - Hike, swim, creative workshop 2, graduation dinner.

    Day 4: GOODBYES - Final Breakfast, pack up, probably sing a song + adventure in nature together! Head home later that day.

    There will also be LOADS of free time for star and tree gazing, etc.

    If there is something you REALLY WANNA DO or something you’d like to contribute to our experience please let us know in your application.

    • 4 Days, 3 nights at our Retreat Cottage

    • Fresh, healthy meals + treat for all days + nights

    • Two Creative Workshops

    • Yoga and/or Pilates class

    • Class Outside Treat Bag

    • Other fun shenanigans

    Travel is NOT included.

    Transportation to/from Newark airport may be available. Carpools may be arranged with the group from the GTA, NY, + DMV areas based on group availability.


✨ living a creative and easeful life

 💵 getting paid for your brilliance 

🤸‍♀️showing up messy and scared, but showing up

🤡 letting your freak flag fly

If you’re ready to stop leaving half baked projects by the door, second guessing your creative brilliance in the name of "what can make you money”, burning out on an idea before you have even begun, welcome to CLASS OUTSIDE! 

  • Here is the thing. We fundamentally believe we are all artists. Like if you work at a big glossy building in a grey suit, you are an artist. If that is a title you don’t wanna claim yet, that’s not our business.

    BUT if you’re actually saying:

    “I have an office job that isn’t creative!”

    “I don’t make money selling my art.”

    “I never wanna sell my art!”

    “I am not a conventional “creative” person.”

    Ultimately, we work with PEOPLE THAT HAVE IDEAS so if that means you’d like to paint 5,000 paintings and stack them on top of each other, you’re in the right place.

    This program is open to the babes wit. big ideas. Meaning folks who consider themselves artists, and folks who don't. Artists, creatives, business owners, artpreneurs, art and cultural workers - anyone who makes anything for anyone.

    We are so excited and ready to work with you! If you have a little spark inside you to create something and usher it into this world, you my friend, are an artist, and you BELONG here! ✨

  • We are offering the first cohort of Class Outside the price of $1,000 USD. Payment plans are available.

  • Simply, we don’t believe in one size fits all. We don’t believe there is ONE correct way or path for us all, and we are here to really uncover WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. We think you can do what you want, how you want, and get paid.

    Disclaimer: We are professional artists, creative directors, facilitators, and coaches. We are not trained or licensed therapists, counselors, or mental health professionals and this program should not be used for such learning or healing. Learn more about our approach to coaching and collaboration here.

  • There is no obligation to “buy now” after hitting apply. Applications are in place so that we can meet, talk about if we’d ALL be a good fit together, and discuss what our collaboration would look like. If getting on a Zoom is weird (FAIR) shoot us an email at

    How it works! 1. Start by filling out this short application and book a meet cute call with us to discuss your goals inside the 3 months together, and get to know one another. 2. Make your first payment, and begin your onboarding process! ✨

  • We are getting started the week of July 7th! The program will go through October, and group workshop days will be determined based on group availability.

I got some Q’s!

Everything is an experiment.

If you are feeling called to be a part of this, but are thinking, “This would be so great, but…”, we encourage you to inquire.

We believe in you and your art. The world needs to see and hear you. Everything is figureoutable.

Something else we haven’t answered?

Drop us a line 📧 We’d love to hear from you. 🫶